Sunday, July 01, 2007

Podcasting session at NSWCEG

I sat in on Greg Preston's podcasting session at NSWCEG today.
Here is a roundup.

  1. Podcast research (in relation to educational outcomes and classroom learning. Not much of it around. Suffice to say that "it feels right".
  2. Examples of podcasting, from professional, commercial, to student.
  3. Quick demo of how to record, edit, save and upload. reference to numerous web based tutorials.
  4. How to use podcasts. Group projects, authentic audienc, external contacts, must be organised.
  5. Steps to success.
  • Concept (audience, delivery, funding, outline, tasks.
  • Content (subject matter, research)
  • Implementation (record, edit etc)
  • Release:
  • Evaluate: (assess against outcomes/goals, rubric)
  • Further issues. (copyright, child protection)