Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Podcast is Go

Enough testing.
The first podcast on Mullum Writers is published (cast?)

Check out Zac's podcast here.

I thought that my initial post was satisfactory, but I wasnt happy with the visitor having to click a link and then have a new page open with a player, (eg firefox/flock opens a new page and you get to watch the quicktime bar as you listen.) My students and I want visitors to enjoy the artwork and read along as they listen.

When I'm not satisified, then I usually don't rest until I am, so rather than lose sleep tonight wondering how to fix it, I spent some time digging up and applying a great hack that lets you use the word press player within blogger.

Basically you'll need some webspace to store the java code and the flash script. As a blogger user I had a googlepages account. I find that googlepages is great for storing widgets, pics and stuff that I need to reference later.

Paste a script to reference your java and swf files into the head of your blogger template.

Then you paste a script into the post and add the url of your hosted audio file.
The result, I feel, is worth the effort. If anyone has a better solution then I'm all ears.

My next challenge is to setup a "recording studio" in the school that can be utilised during quiet moments. Quentin posted a fantastic site in response to my last post, so I'll be studying up on ways to make the 'casts more enjoyable.

Stay tuned!


Jane Nicholls said...

Hi Mark
I'm lucky enough to have a resource room lead off my classroom. So we made a label on red card with 'in use' on one side and used velcro to stick it to the door. Now the kids take the laptop into the 'recording room' and turn the card over to show that the room is 'in use'. They love it! I give them a set time period that they have the room for and at the end of that time they bring me a finished podcast for the class to give feedback on.

Rachel Boyd said...

Hi Mark,
That poducate site looks good; will have to set aside some time to troll through all the content... hopefully should have some neat gems in there.