Saturday, March 31, 2007

Profiles for Tech Literate Students

NETS for Students

This page emphasises the technology standards that ought to be achieved so that learning is supported, personal productivity increased and decision making ability is enhanced. Well at least thats the claim.

In reality the Indicators are very heavy on tech skills, not so much emphasis on thinking skills. Don't get me wrong, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the development of technical skills...(this is a mouse, this is how we log in). Its just that students today need more than a knowledge of how to use the tools, they need to use the tools thoughtfully and productively.

A set of 21st century Thinking tools is probably the main resource for ICT (21st century) educators that is lacking today. We all have long lists of skills that we try to develop and foster in our students, but most of these are tech skills. We need to be fostering thought processes as well. In the words of Kim Flintoff,
We all understand that digital natives are avid users - but are not necessarily critical users - so it seems a better argument to highlight the role of schools and universities in equipping the students with the requisite skills and knowledge to not only consume, but consume critically, manage the technologies, control the technology (in terms of soft-, firm- and hard- ware). GRIP-FIX-TURN as well as RIP-MIX-BURN.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Web2 portal

Anne from Think, Wonder and Learn put me onto a fantastic site. It's vast, (in both content and implications). Check it out here.

It's called go2web20 (the complete web2.0 directory).

Flat-Worlders Are Here

Do you see the world as flat or round?

Wonderful, concise video that helps raise awareness of the issues raised in "The World is Flat" by Friedman

Watch the video, if you like it, you can listen to Friedman talking about the book here

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Putting it all Together with Intel Teach.

This is a fantastic resource. It brings together current thinking and research on thinking skills,and strategies teachers might use to develop those skills in their classrooms.

From project design, to thinking, to planning, stategies and assessment. Lots here.

Intel Education: Designing Effective Projects

This program emphasises curriculum development that aligns to Australian state standards and syllabus outcomes. It promotes higher-order thinking using Curriculum-Framing Questions, authentic project tasks, effective instructional strategies, and performance assessment. Designing Effective Projects provides a foundation for good planning and supports you in adapting these project-based units – or developing your own from scratch.

Great set of skills to work through

Describes the skills, as well as indicators so that a teacher can see what those skills would look like in their students. Downloadable PDF as well as online viewing.

21st Century Skills

21st Century Skills What are they and why do we need them?

What are they?

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Our Mission

There is a profound gap between the knowledge and skills most students learn in school and the knowledge and skills they need in typical 21st century communities and workplaces.

To successfully face rigorous higher education coursework, career challenges and a globally competitive workforce, U.S. schools must align classroom environments with real world environments by infusing 21st century skills.

This skills set includes:

* Information and communication skills (information and media literacy skills; communication skills)

* Thinking and problem-solving (critical thinking and systems thinking; problem identification, formulation and solution; creativity and intellectual curiosity)

* Interpersonal and self-direction skills (interpersonal and collaborative skills; self-direction; accountability and adaptability; social responsibility)

* Global awareness

* Financial, economic and business literacy, and developing entrepreneurial skills to enhance workplace productivity and career options

* Civic literacy

Why Do we need them?

Perhaps the most comprehensive and readable treatise on why we need them is Thomas Friedmans's book The World is Flat. There is a wikipedia summary here